
Articles & News Tagged “Giant Squid”


Giant squid filmed in shallow water in Japan Photo

Giant squid filmed in shallow water in Japan

On Christmas Eve a giant squid, Architeuthis dux, ventured into Japan’s Toyama Bay and swam beneath a pier full of observers. The 12-foot long squid stayed in the bay for several hours, giving diver Akinobu Kimura the chance to suit up and film the elusive creature underwater.

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Scientists collect three miniature giant squid Photo

Scientists collect three miniature giant squid

Scientists have captured and collected not one, but three juvenile giant squid in the first confirmed collection of its kind. All three specimens were collected off the south-west coast of Japan by fishermen. Each squid was less than one pound and between five and thirteen inches in length. One of the three specimens was collected alive and two were collected together.

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