
Call for entries: Sharks in Focus photography competition

Alec Conna's winning image of black tip reef sharks from the 2009 competition

Pictured above is Alec Connah’s winning shot from the 2009 competition. Sharks in Focus, the Shark Trust’s underwater photography competition, is back in 2013. This photography competition, in association with Diver Magazine, aims to change attitudes about sharks through imagery and opens on 1 May.

From the Shark Trust website: “The Shark Trust has spent over 15 years raising public awareness of issues facing sharks and challenging the common Jaws stereotype. Shark photography features heavily in our work because it’s a great way to engage the public and challenge people’s perceptions of sharks by showcasing and celebrating shark diversity, as well as highlighting their vulnerability.

The five categories of the competition include Shark!, Shark Personality, Best of British, Skates & Rays, and Human Encounters. All photographers are encouraged to enter.