
Greenpeace showcases the biological diversity of Raja Ampat

Paul Hilton/Greenpeace on Wetpixel

Greenpeace has featured a gallery of pictures by Paul Hilton showcasing the biological diversity of Raja Ampat, Indonesia. The organization published the images to celebrate the International Day for Biological Diversity. Hilton is aboard the Rainbow Warrior III, which is currently documenting the area as it is estimated that Indonesia has at least 20% of the world’s total biodiversity and is home to more than 30,000 recorded species of plants and more than 3,000 mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. Ironically, Rainbow Warrior III’s sister ship Rainbow Warrior II was ordered out of Indonesian waters in 2010.

In unrelated news, Greenpeace has been using photographer’s images without permission, credit or license. Although the work of the NGO is commendable, it does not excuse the fact that it should ask to use images for its publicity. (Above image is © Paul Hilton / Greenpeace)